Outreach program in Haiti involves Upstate, 9 other SUNY campuses

Published: Oct. 27, 2017, 11:36 a.m.

b'Upstate Medical University has joined with nine other SUNY campuses and five not-for-profit organizations to establish a sustainable village and learning community in Haiti. Upstate pediatrician Upstate Medical University has joined with nine other SUNY campuses and five not-for-profit organizations to establish a sustainable village and learning community in Haiti. Upstate pediatrician Janice Bach, MD Janice Bach, MD, left, discusses the project, which takes place on 40 acres of land near the village of Akaye that was donated by a professor emeritus from Nassau Community College. Bach has made two trips to Haiti so far. She and Upstate emergency physician, left, discusses the project, which takes place on 40 acres of land near the village of Akaye that was donated by a professor emeritus from Nassau Community College. Bach has made two trips to Haiti so far. She and Upstate emergency physician Bonnie Grossman, MD, Bonnie Grossman, MD, are part of a health and wellness working group that will help create a medical clinic. The project is in the early stages, where Bach and colleagues are learning what the people of Haiti need. are part of a health and wellness working group that will help create a medical clinic. The project is in the early stages, where Bach and colleagues are learning what the people of Haiti need.'