Minimizing withdrawal from antidepressants; spotting, preventing burnout; explaining a retrovirus, how it infects people: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, June 17, 2018

Published: June 15, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

b'Psychiatrist Psychiatrist Thomas Schwartz, MD, discusses antidepressant withdrawal Thomas Schwartz, MD, discusses antidepressant withdrawal and ways to minimize it. Psychologist and ways to minimize it. Psychologist Holly Vanderhoff, PhD, tells how to identify and prevent burnou Holly Vanderhoff, PhD, tells how to identify and prevent burnou t. Retroviral researcher t. Retroviral researcher Bernard Poiesz, MD, explains HTLV-1, Bernard Poiesz, MD, explains HTLV-1, a retrovirus that has caused widespread infection among indigenous Australians. a retrovirus that has caused widespread infection among indigenous Australians.'