Microbiologist explains possible way to stop bacteria from causing disease

Published: May 10, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

b'Megan Gribble Lloyd, PhD (photo by Jim Howe) Megan Gribble Lloyd, PhD (photo by Jim Howe) How do you fight bacteria How do you fight bacteria that have the potential to kill someone with cystic fibrosis? A microbiologist at Upstate that have the potential to kill someone with cystic fibrosis? A microbiologist at Upstate explains the project she's worked on for the past four years explains the project she's worked on for the past four years, , investigating a peptide that seems to halt the bacteria's ability to cause disease investigating a peptide that seems to halt the bacteria's ability to cause disease and does not require antibiotics. Megan Gribble Lloyd, PhD, who works in the laboratory of and does not require antibiotics. Megan Gribble Lloyd, PhD, who works in the laboratory of Jennifer Moffat, PhD Jennifer Moffat, PhD, tells about her, tells about her work with the bacterium work with the bacterium, called, called Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and about her love of science., and about her love of science.'