McMahon Ryan Child Advocacy Center fights persistent problem of child abuse

Published: March 21, 2019, 3:44 p.m.

b'Ann Botash, MD (photo by Jim Howe) Ann Botash, MD (photo by Jim Howe) Child abuse continues to be an important issue in the Syracuse area, says Upstate pediatrician Child abuse continues to be an important issue in the Syracuse area, says Upstate pediatrician Ann Botash, MD Ann Botash, MD, medical director of the, medical director of the McMahon Ryan Child Advocacy Center McMahon Ryan Child Advocacy Center. She explains how the agency helps victims of abuse and neglect. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and McMahon Ryan raises awareness by placing blue pinwheels throughout the community. The. She explains how the agency helps victims of abuse and neglect. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and McMahon Ryan raises awareness by placing blue pinwheels throughout the community. The statewide hotline statewide hotline to report suspected child abuse is 1-800-342-3720. to report suspected child abuse is 1-800-342-3720.'