Lung cancer treatments in the era of personalized medicine

Published: Sept. 21, 2017, 10:13 a.m.

b'Using an individual patient\'s genetic code helps doctors select treatments most likely to be effective, and that includes for lung cancers, some of the deadliest types of cancer. Using an individual patient\'s genetic code helps doctors select treatments most likely to be effective, and that includes for lung cancers, some of the deadliest types of cancer. Valerie Rusch, MD Valerie Rusch, MD, vice chair for clinical research in the department of surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, explains in this interview how the use of molecular profiling has helped reveal greater detail about lung cancer, of which there are several types. She discusses the use of targeted therapy and immunotherapy and the significant improvement in lung cancer survival rates. Treatment may include surgery when lung cancers are detected early, she notes. Rusch was in Syracuse to give a lecture at the Upstate Cancer Center on lung cancer and the role of surgery in the age of personalized medicine., vice chair for clinical research in the department of surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, explains in this interview how the use of molecular profiling has helped reveal greater detail about lung cancer, of which there are several types. She discusses the use of targeted therapy and immunotherapy and the significant improvement in lung cancer survival rates. Treatment may include surgery when lung cancers are detected early, she notes. Rusch was in Syracuse to give a lecture at the Upstate Cancer Center on lung cancer and the role of surgery in the age of personalized medicine.'