Keep loved one with Alzheimers involved, active, nurses advise

Published: June 16, 2016, 2:57 p.m.

Communication and patience are the keys to caring for someone with Communication and patience are the keys to caring for someone with Alzheimer‘s disease Alzheimer‘s disease, say Linh Nguyen (right) and Kaylin Brainerd (left),, say Linh Nguyen (right) and Kaylin Brainerd (left), geriatric resource nurses at Upstate geriatric resource nurses at Upstate University Hospital. Start communicating with the loved one when Alzheimer\u2018s is first diagnosed and try to keep him or her involved even as memory fades, they advise. They also offer University Hospital. Start communicating with the loved one when Alzheimer\u2018s is first diagnosed and try to keep him or her involved even as memory fades, they advise. They also offer tips for caregivers tips for caregivers, such as trying to live in the loved one\u2018s world \u2013 don\u2018t correct their errors or finish their sentences, and try to keep up a routine that includes familiar faces and places and avoids isolation.\xa0, such as trying to live in the loved one\u2018s world \u2013 don\u2018t correct their errors or finish their sentences, and try to keep up a routine that includes familiar faces and places and avoids isolation.