It's not too late to get a flu shot

Published: Jan. 18, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

b'With widespread flu activity reported across the United States this winter, Upstate pediatric infectious disease expert With widespread flu activity reported across the United States this winter, Upstate pediatric infectious disease expert Jana Shaw, MD, Jana Shaw, MD, left, reminds Central New Yorkers that it\'s not too late to get vaccinated. She says this year\'s influenza vaccine offers some protection against the H3N2 strain, which is circulating this season. Shaw offers advice about treatment for flu symptoms and when to seek care at a hospital.\\xa0 left, reminds Central New Yorkers that it\'s not too late to get vaccinated. She says this year\'s influenza vaccine offers some protection against the H3N2 strain, which is circulating this season. Shaw offers advice about treatment for flu symptoms and when to seek care at a hospital.'