How to detect, treat rising problem of anxiety in children, teens

Published: Nov. 17, 2017, 4 p.m.

b'Upstate child psychologist Upstate child psychologist Nancy Goodman, PhD, Nancy Goodman, PhD, says parents face a balancing act as they try to help a says parents face a balancing act as they try to help a growing number of children who have anxiety growing number of children who have anxiety. She helps children as young as age 5 learn coping skills. Goodman differentiates between what\'s normal and what defines a clinical disorder, explains how anxiety presents itself and how it may change across the lifespan.. She helps children as young as age 5 learn coping skills. Goodman differentiates between what\'s normal and what defines a clinical disorder, explains how anxiety presents itself and how it may change across the lifespan.'