How hyperbaric oxygen treats wounds; a team approach that fights lung cancer, other chest cancers; why vaccines are important: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019

Published: Oct. 31, 2019, 5:01 p.m.

b'Marvin Heyboer, MD, discusses hyperbaric oxygen therapy and wound care Marvin Heyboer, MD, discusses hyperbaric oxygen therapy and wound care. Founding member of Upstate\'s thoracic oncology program. Founding member of Upstate\'s thoracic oncology program Leslie Kohman, MD, talks about 20 years of care for lung cancer and other diseases Leslie Kohman, MD, talks about 20 years of care for lung cancer and other diseases. . Doug Campos-Outcalt, MD, explains the value of vaccination for public health Doug Campos-Outcalt, MD, explains the value of vaccination for public health. .'