Having a stroke increases risk of having another stroke

Published: Aug. 31, 2018, 10:58 a.m.

b'Nurse practitioner Stephanie Loveless (photo by Jim Howe) Nurse practitioner Stephanie Loveless (photo by Jim Howe) Nurse practitioner Nurse practitioner Stephanie Loveless Stephanie Loveless discusses risk factors that increase a person\'s chance of having a stroke. Smoking, high cholesterol levels, diabetes and high blood pressure are all risk factors. People who have already had a stroke are at increased risk for having another one, called a secondary stroke. She talks about what patients can do to help reduce their stroke risk. discusses risk factors that increase a person\'s chance of having a stroke. Smoking, high cholesterol levels, diabetes and high blood pressure are all risk factors. People who have already had a stroke are at increased risk for having another one, called a secondary stroke. She talks about what patients can do to help reduce their stroke risk.'