Fighting the HIV epidemic means reducing risk, increasing testing and treatment

Published: May 5, 2017, 12:40 p.m.

b'New York state has several efforts underway to curtail the HIV epidemic. Upstate infectious disease expert New York state has several efforts underway to curtail the HIV epidemic. Upstate infectious disease expert Elizabeth Asiago-Reddy, MD Elizabeth Asiago-Reddy, MD, talks about the increased availability of HIV testing, treatment options for those who test positive -- and where to obtain medication that can reduce a person\'s risk of becoming infected. The HIV-fighting medication known as PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is available in Syracuse through, talks about the increased availability of HIV testing, treatment options for those who test positive -- and where to obtain medication that can reduce a person\'s risk of becoming infected. The HIV-fighting medication known as PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is available in Syracuse through Upstate's Immune Health Services Upstate's Immune Health Services (315-464-5533), the (315-464-5533), the Adolescent/Young Adult Specialized Care Center Adolescent/Young Adult Specialized Care Center (315-571-0013) or the (315-571-0013) or the Onondaga County STD Center Onondaga County STD Center (315-435-3236). (315-435-3236).'