Family is seen as key to individual's therapy

Published: Sept. 10, 2015, 10:35 a.m.

b'Family therapy \\u2013 having a whole family take part in an individual\\u2018s therapy \\u2013 can shake up relationships and open up new possibilities. Family therapy \\u2013 having a whole family take part in an individual\\u2018s therapy \\u2013 can shake up relationships and open up new possibilities. David Keith, MD David Keith, MD, director of family therapy in the, director of family therapy in the Upstate Psychiatry Department Upstate Psychiatry Department, traces this treatment from its revolutionary origins under psychiatrists such as his late mentor, Carl Whitaker, MD, whom he profiles in a new book, and explains how family therapy should be a human, not a mechanical, process of discovery., traces this treatment from its revolutionary origins under psychiatrists such as his late mentor, Carl Whitaker, MD, whom he profiles in a new book, and explains how family therapy should be a human, not a mechanical, process of discovery.'