Ear infections related to how children develop

Published: Aug. 25, 2016, 3:13 p.m.

b'Ear infections are common in the first few years of life, partly due to how the ear\\u2018s eustachian tube develops, explains Ear infections are common in the first few years of life, partly due to how the ear\\u2018s eustachian tube develops, explains Haidy Marzouk, MD Haidy Marzouk, MD, an Upstate ear, nose and throat specialist. The tube\\u2018s horizontal position make it prone to blockage and fluid buildup, she says, but after age 3 or so, as the tube becomes more vertical, the ear infections become less frequent. She also explains treatment, the use of antibiotics and extreme cases., an Upstate ear, nose and throat specialist. The tube\\u2018s horizontal position make it prone to blockage and fluid buildup, she says, but after age 3 or so, as the tube becomes more vertical, the ear infections become less frequent. She also explains treatment, the use of antibiotics and extreme cases.'