Doctors, nurses, social workers are involved with Violence Education Prevention Outreach Program

Published: Jan. 24, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Chanel Beard, left, and Kim Nasby. Chanel Beard, left, and Kim Nasby. Doctors, nurses and social workers from Upstate are working to reduce the rate of repeated violent trauma in the community through the Violence Education Prevention Outreach Program (VEPOP). This program helps connect victims of street violence with resources that can lead to a nonviolent lifestyle. Resources may include housing, education, employment and primary medical care, explains social worker Chanel Beard. She and trauma injury prevention coordinator Kim Nasby discuss how the program aims to help victims stop feeling like victims. For more information on VEPOP, call 315-414-6070. Doctors, nurses and social workers from Upstate are working to reduce the rate of repeated violent trauma in the community through the Violence Education Prevention Outreach Program (VEPOP). This program helps connect victims of street violence with resources that can lead to a nonviolent lifestyle. Resources may include housing, education, employment and primary medical care, explains social worker Chanel Beard. She and trauma injury prevention coordinator Kim Nasby discuss how the program aims to help victims stop feeling like victims. For more information on VEPOP, call 315-414-6070.