Demand for additional training by nurses driven by many factors

Published: Jan. 14, 2016, 10:56 a.m.

b'Nurses today are likely to have more training and to seek further training than their counterparts a generation ago, say Upstate\\u2018s chief nursing officer, Nurses today are likely to have more training and to seek further training than their counterparts a generation ago, say Upstate\\u2018s chief nursing officer, Nancy Page, RN Nancy Page, RN (pictured, right), and clinical coordinator for palliative care, (pictured, right), and clinical coordinator for palliative care, Archie McEvers, NP Archie McEvers, NP. The nursing profession recognized that higher levels of training brought higher skill levels and better patient care, Page says. Today\\u2018s shorter hospital stays and advances in technology demand nurses with ever higher levels of education and efficiency, so the incentive for additional training will continue, McEvers adds.. The nursing profession recognized that higher levels of training brought higher skill levels and better patient care, Page says. Today\\u2018s shorter hospital stays and advances in technology demand nurses with ever higher levels of education and efficiency, so the incentive for additional training will continue, McEvers adds.'