Corporal punishment can inflict lasting damage, pediatric resident finds

Published: Sept. 10, 2015, 1:44 p.m.

b'Corporal punishment of children, such as spanking, is common around the world, says Corporal punishment of children, such as spanking, is common around the world, says Meghan Jacobs, MD Meghan Jacobs, MD, a pediatric resident physician at Upstate who has analyzed research on the topic. Studies show negative lifelong effects from corporal punishment, including aggression, anxiety, delinquency and a poor parent-child relationship, said Jacobs, who advocates nonviolent alternatives that focus on solutions rather than punishment and are mindful of a child\\u2018s developmental level., a pediatric resident physician at Upstate who has analyzed research on the topic. Studies show negative lifelong effects from corporal punishment, including aggression, anxiety, delinquency and a poor parent-child relationship, said Jacobs, who advocates nonviolent alternatives that focus on solutions rather than punishment and are mindful of a child\\u2018s developmental level.'