College students exercise but need to improve 'eating competence,' SU dietitian says

Published: Jan. 15, 2016, 10:20 a.m.

b'Many students beginning college see a 5 percent increase in their body weight the first semester. And while 60 percent of students adopt an exercise routine, many also develop unhealthy habits, says registered dietitian nutritionist Many students beginning college see a 5 percent increase in their body weight the first semester. And while 60 percent of students adopt an exercise routine, many also develop unhealthy habits, says registered dietitian nutritionist Tanya Horacek, PhD Tanya Horacek, PhD, of Syracuse University\'s Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. She says many students don\'t eat enough whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and many have trouble sleeping. During the transition phase that is college, Horacek says, it\'s important for students to improve their "eating competence." "This is a very formidable time. They are learning habits that they will carry into adulthood.", of Syracuse University\'s Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. She says many students don\'t eat enough whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and many have trouble sleeping. During the transition phase that is college, Horacek says, it\'s important for students to improve their "eating competence." "This is a very formidable time. They are learning habits that they will carry into adulthood."'