Bone expert offers overview of osteoporosis, its treatment

Published: May 12, 2016, 11:39 a.m.

b'Many factors can put someone at risk for the bone-weakening conditions of osteopenia and the more serious osteoporosis, says endocrinologist Many factors can put someone at risk for the bone-weakening conditions of osteopenia and the more serious osteoporosis, says endocrinologist Jennifer Kelly, DO. Jennifer Kelly, DO. Among them are a woman\\u2018s postmenopausal drop in estrogen, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and endocrine diseases such as hyperthyroidism, says Kelly, clinical director of the bone density unit at Upstate\\u2018s Joslin Diabetes Center. She also describes the lifestyle changes and drugs recommended to treat osteoporosis. Among them are a woman\\u2018s postmenopausal drop in estrogen, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and endocrine diseases such as hyperthyroidism, says Kelly, clinical director of the bone density unit at Upstate\\u2018s Joslin Diabetes Center. She also describes the lifestyle changes and drugs recommended to treat osteoporosis.'