Be informed, seek options when eating fast food, dietitian advises

Published: Oct. 25, 2016, 10:48 a.m.

b'People can eat fast food occasionally and still make healthy choices, as long as they remember to ask, \\u201cHow can I make it better?\\u201d says Maureen Franklin, a registered dietitian nutritionist at Upstate. She offers tips for navigating fast food menus, such as checking online nutritional information beforehand, opting for grilled rather than fried items, limiting sauces and dressings, and considering whether the extra calories in a \\u201cmeal deal\\u201d are a good idea. People can eat fast food occasionally and still make healthy choices, as long as they remember to ask, \\u201cHow can I make it better?\\u201d says Maureen Franklin, a registered dietitian nutritionist at Upstate. She offers tips for navigating fast food menus, such as checking online nutritional information beforehand, opting for grilled rather than fried items, limiting sauces and dressings, and considering whether the extra calories in a \\u201cmeal deal\\u201d are a good idea.'