Be aware of potential hazards during holiday season

Published: Nov. 11, 2016, 11:14 a.m.

b'Some simple precautions can help prevent accidental injuries or poisoning during the holidays. Adults should watch for anything that small children might try to put in their mouths, such as button-type batteries, some types of decorations and toys with tiny pieces, says Michele Caliva, a nurse and the administrative director of the Some simple precautions can help prevent accidental injuries or poisoning during the holidays. Adults should watch for anything that small children might try to put in their mouths, such as button-type batteries, some types of decorations and toys with tiny pieces, says Michele Caliva, a nurse and the administrative director of the Upstate New York Poison Center. Upstate New York Poison Center. She also advises on safe ways to handle turkey, hand sanitizer, mistletoe and more -- and says anyone with a question about possible poisoning or choking, for people or pets, can call the center for advice at 800-222-1222. She also advises on safe ways to handle turkey, hand sanitizer, mistletoe and more -- and says anyone with a question about possible poisoning or choking, for people or pets, can call the center for advice at 800-222-1222.'