Babies, mothers benefit from breast-feeding

Published: June 22, 2016, 3:14 p.m.

b'As scientists have documented the importance of breast-feeding to a baby\'s current and future well-being, more American women are opting to breast-feed, says As scientists have documented the importance of breast-feeding to a baby\'s current and future well-being, more American women are opting to breast-feed, says Jayne Charlamb, MD Jayne Charlamb, MD, director of breast health and, director of breast health and breast-feeding medicine at Upstate. breast-feeding medicine at Upstate. She says the majority of infants born in America receive some breast milk, but she and other experts would like more babies to be breast-fed for at least six months. Babies who are breast-fed have a lower risk of developing ear infections, some leukemias and obesity. In addition, breast-feeding helps mothers lose their pregnancy weight and adjust their glucose regulation. She says the majority of infants born in America receive some breast milk, but she and other experts would like more babies to be breast-fed for at least six months. Babies who are breast-fed have a lower risk of developing ear infections, some leukemias and obesity. In addition, breast-feeding helps mothers lose their pregnancy weight and adjust their glucose regulation.'