Art therapy aims to make young patients feel better

Published: Sept. 8, 2016, 12:35 p.m.

b'Art therapist Maria Fazzini uses creativity and a willing ear to improve the well-being of patients at the Upstate Golisano Children\\u2018s Hospital. Fazzini is a mental health professional who offers the opportunity to draw, paint or use other materials so that young patients can feel more at home, more relaxed and, in many cases, more willing to express their anxieties. A Art therapist Maria Fazzini uses creativity and a willing ear to improve the well-being of patients at the Upstate Golisano Children\\u2018s Hospital. Fazzini is a mental health professional who offers the opportunity to draw, paint or use other materials so that young patients can feel more at home, more relaxed and, in many cases, more willing to express their anxieties. A rt therapy rt therapy aims to provide emotional support and help patients meet their health goals, says Fazzini, who gets referrals from the medical staff. Participation is voluntary, and the time per session varies according to the patient. aims to provide emotional support and help patients meet their health goals, says Fazzini, who gets referrals from the medical staff. Participation is voluntary, and the time per session varies according to the patient. Click here Click here to see a gallery of children\\u2018s artwork from the hospital. to see a gallery of children\\u2018s artwork from the hospital.'