Are you and your family adequately protected against measles outbreaks?

Published: April 10, 2019, 3:11 p.m.

b'Jana Shaw, MD (photo by Jim Howe) Jana Shaw, MD (photo by Jim Howe) New York City has declared a public health emergency as the number of people infected with measles increases. What\'s behind the re-emergence of this potentially deadly disease? Pediatrician New York City has declared a public health emergency as the number of people infected with measles increases. What\'s behind the re-emergence of this potentially deadly disease? Pediatrician Jana Shaw, MD, Jana Shaw, MD, who specializes in infectious disease, explains the importance of vaccination. She says in order for a community to be protected against measles, at least 95 percent of the people within that community need to be vaccinated. This helps protect people who are vulnerable to disease, or who cannot be vaccinated because of medical problems, such as an impaired immune system. Shaw also shares the results of who specializes in infectious disease, explains the importance of vaccination. She says in order for a community to be protected against measles, at least 95 percent of the people within that community need to be vaccinated. This helps protect people who are vulnerable to disease, or who cannot be vaccinated because of medical problems, such as an impaired immune system. Shaw also shares the results of a recent study a recent study she conducted that showed middle school children are interested in knowing more about vaccines and want to participate in decisions about vaccination. she conducted that showed middle school children are interested in knowing more about vaccines and want to participate in decisions about vaccination.'