Abnormal uterine bleeding can be difficult to detect, diagnose

Published: Oct. 14, 2015, 4:37 p.m.

b'Abnormal uterine bleeding can be tricky to detect, let alone trace to a cause, and related factors might involve age, obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, high blood pressure or cancer. One key to figuring out whether blood loss is abnormal is that women know their usual menstrual cycle, says Abnormal uterine bleeding can be tricky to detect, let alone trace to a cause, and related factors might involve age, obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, high blood pressure or cancer. One key to figuring out whether blood loss is abnormal is that women know their usual menstrual cycle, says Howard Weinstein, MD, Howard Weinstein, MD, division chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Upstate\\u2018s community campus. If a woman\\u2018s cycle is out of sync for three months, she should contact her physician, says Weinstein, who also describes the role of transvaginal ultrasounds and endometrial biopsies. division chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Upstate\\u2018s community campus. If a woman\\u2018s cycle is out of sync for three months, she should contact her physician, says Weinstein, who also describes the role of transvaginal ultrasounds and endometrial biopsies.'