A range of conditions can affect the thyroid gland

Published: March 15, 2019, 10:15 a.m.

b'Nidhi Bansal, MBBS (photo by Jim Howe) Nidhi Bansal, MBBS (photo by Jim Howe) Endocrinologist Endocrinologist Nidhi Bansal, MBBS Nidhi Bansal, MBBS, talks about thyroid problems, which can range from disorders that are harmless and need no treatment to something that can be life-threatening. She is an assistant professor of medicine at Upstate and associate director of the thyroid program., talks about thyroid problems, which can range from disorders that are harmless and need no treatment to something that can be life-threatening. She is an assistant professor of medicine at Upstate and associate director of the thyroid program.'