A child psychiatrist describes how community displacement is like divorce

Published: July 5, 2017, 3:54 p.m.

b'The The Interstate 81 project Interstate 81 project in Syracuse will likely result in some forced relocations for people and businesses. Psychiatrists have a term -- "community displacement" -- for when a population is moved by another entity. Upstate child psychiatrist Diane St. Fleur, MD, says the emotional trauma that accompanies such displacement is similar to that of a divorce, when a family is ripped apart. She warns that such moves can cause stress and decrease the social cohesiveness of a community, and she shares advice that can help minimize the impact. in Syracuse will likely result in some forced relocations for people and businesses. Psychiatrists have a term -- "community displacement" -- for when a population is moved by another entity. Upstate child psychiatrist Diane St. Fleur, MD, says the emotional trauma that accompanies such displacement is similar to that of a divorce, when a family is ripped apart. She warns that such moves can cause stress and decrease the social cohesiveness of a community, and she shares advice that can help minimize the impact.'