How to Land Instagram Brand Deals with Your Elevator Pitch

Published: March 25, 2019, 11 a.m.

b'WHAT YOU\\u2019LL LEARN: In this episode, you\\u2019ll learn step-by-step how to craft an effective elevator pitch that engages new followers and lands high-paying brand deals. I also share examples of elevator pitches that do and don\\u2019t work. By the end of this episode, you\\u2019ll be ready to write your own pitch.\\n \\xa0\\n For exclusive content surrounding this and all podcast episodes, sign up for our amazing newsletter at And don\\u2019t forget to snap and post a photo while listening to the show and tag me (@julssolomon)!\\n \\xa0\\n To dive deeper into each episode with myself and other podcast listeners and receive exclusive bonuses relating to the show come join the Influencer Podcast Facebook group.\\n \\xa0\\n One more thing! Make sure you subscribe to the podcast to stay up-to-date on the latest influencer insights and strategies.'