Influencer Club A conversation on time

Published: Nov. 24, 2021, 9:28 p.m.

what is time? We all have clocks in our homes and we all carry phones that have clocks embedded in them. We monitor time while we're working we monitor time while we're playing and everything else we do we set alarm clock so that we get up at the right time to begin our day. And we have a clock to know what time it is that we're supposed to go and rest. But do we really understand what time is is that clock time is that how we should be measuring time and should time be stressing us? Time should be an asset and when we are on track with purpose, time may seem to fly. Our sense of time they seem to disappear and what we emerge from the task at hand. The thing that brought us to our purpose have brought us into that zone would have seemed to brought us through time very quickly and they will look at look at the clock and say my Where did the time go while I was doing that? Time is our greatest asset because we are energetic beings. Our assets empower us and bring us to our greatness. They bring us to our purpose and they never actually control us. We control them. Time should not control us nor stress us. We need to find ways to use our assets to guide us to our purpose time is our asset