588: All These Different Jackets

Published: Nov. 8, 2021, 3:49 a.m.

b'Buy those bongos and make it a 30-piece drum set, because legendary one-season wonder \\u201cFreaks and Geeks\\u201d is finally available to stream. This is an amazing show with a fantastic cast about a bunch of geeks and burnouts in Michigan in the early 1980s. It\\u2019s a sweet and funny and awkward and painful story about growing up and trying to figure out who you are, while everyone else in the world wants to label you and make sure you never forget your label. We discuss our favorite ancillary characters, the richness of the world of \\u201cFreaks and Geeks\\u201d, and how upon rewatching the show 20 years later, we have gained even more appreciation for Mr. and Mrs. Weir.'