583: Could They Reboot 'Supernatural'?

Published: Oct. 2, 2021, 7:10 p.m.

b'In this flash episode we discuss the head-scratching news from two of our favorite franchises, as the prodigal showrunners have returned! First it\\u2019s the news that Russell T Davies, who brought \\u201cDoctor Who\\u201d back in 2005, is reuniting with his producers from that era to produce and write the show. Then came the announcement that J. Michael Straczynski has been contracted with The CW to write a pilot for a rebooted \\u201cBabylon 5.\\u201d Can you go home again? Will they play the hits or strike out in new directions? Just a reminder, nobody is going to delete your favorite old episodes\\u2014not even the BBC.'