486: Crazy With the Lizard Juice

Published: Nov. 10, 2019, 10:23 p.m.

b'In this final appendix to our Summer of Spider-Man, we watch a movie that\\u2019s probably much better than you\\u2019ve heard\\u20142012\\u2019s \\u201cThe Amazing Spider-Man.\\u201d Yes, it wasn\\u2019t necessary to re-tell Spidey\\u2019s origin ten years after the Tobey Maguire version, but you know what? This movie does it better, Andrew Garfield is pretty great as a mopey skateboarding Peter Parker, and Emma Stone is a fun and smart Gwen Stacy. We also discuss \\u201cThe Amazing Spider-Man 2,\\u201d which is a movie that reminds us of Batman movies\\u2014the really awful ones.'