428: Sour and Smells Like Feet

Published: Oct. 13, 2018, 4 p.m.

b'Two years ago we drank beer on a podcast and talked about it, and wouldn\\u2019t you know it, we\\u2019re back for more beer! The Incomparable\\u2019s Oktoberfest returns with five polarizing beers chosen by listener (and Almanac Brewing co-founder) Jesse Friedman and mailed to all of our houses. We open them and drink them on air\\u2014in stereo, just like the flavor of a hazy IPA! Will we finally understand why people line up to drink Pliny the Elder? Who put coconut in our stout again? Why does Dan keep trying to ruin the podcast? Will the podcast get progressively sillier as we drink beer? The answer to that last one is \\u201cyes.\\u201d'