351: You're Right, Father--Kill All Humans

Published: May 7, 2017, 4:58 p.m.

b'Channel Four and AMC\\u2019s \\u201cHumans\\u201d intrigued us with its classic sci-fi premise\\u2014what if human-like androids integrated throughout society suddenly become sentient?\\u2014when it premiered in 2015. The show\\u2019s second season recently completed on American screens, so we\\u2019ve gathered to discuss the latest developments. It\\u2019s a unique mixing of big ideas and domestic life, but does the second season suffer from the show\\u2019s reluctance to make major changes at the end of season one? What made this season so frustrating, so often? Which storylines worked\\u2014and which ones were missed opportunities? Why does Carrie Anne Moss keep talking to blades of grass stored on a server? Why would any human want to be a Synth? What\\u2019s Mark Zuckerberg doing here? We cover it all.'