22: Stephen Fry (Does Not Appear)

Published: Jan. 30, 2011, 10 p.m.

b'Recorded live and in person before a studio audience (of one)! We discuss Stephen Fry, Sherlock Holmes, James Bond, Sean Connery, Scottish accents, corpulent detectives, V for Vendetta, 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury, Solaris, The Fountain, Garfield, \\u201cin medias res\\u201d movie conceits, Doctor Who special effects, our favorite TV shows of all time (including Buffy, Max Headroom, Sports Night, Spaced, Smack the Pony, and the Rockford Files), The Middleman, Kevin Sorbo, Gene Roddenberry\\u2019s posthumous oeuvre, and why Steven Spielberg can\\u2019t make a good TV show. Also: the debut of the Spoiler Quack.'