179: Thief-Based Economy

Published: Jan. 26, 2014, 12:22 a.m.

b'Our book club returns with discussion of two books! First we talk Scott Lynch\\u2019s \\u201cThe Lies of Locke Lamora,\\u201d a fantasy book about a gang of thieves that are even outlaws to other thieves (spoiler horn at 12:00). Then it\\u2019s Ann Leckie\\u2019s \\u201cAncillary Justice,\\u201d a space opera about AIs and ships and empires and corpse soldiers that brings Iain M. Banks to mind (starts at 28:48, spoilers at 33:22). Confusingly long prologues! Fun with gendered pronouns! Questionable burrito metaphors! Plus: What are we reading (starts at 68:13)?'