How The Recession Helped This Couple Get out of Debt and Start a Business

Published: Dec. 5, 2019, 12:30 p.m.


There are debt-free stories, and then there\\u2019s the story of Freddie and Sahirenys.

This couple was not only able to clear $90,000+ in debt but also saved enough money to leave their jobs, start a business, get married, and raise two kids.

On top of that, Sahirenys and Freddie did this in 5 years!



  • Why your debt-free journey and budgeting approach should be personal to your situation
  • How the Recession affected the way Freddie and Sahirenys looked at their debt
  • Having conversations with your partner to make sure you are focused on the same financial goals
  • Changing the conversation about student loans: The conversation Freddie and Sahirenys had about student loans\\xa0
  • How the Recession changed Sahirenys and Freddie\\u2019s approach to a debt-free life
  • How Sahirenys and Freddie set up an emergency fund while building a business and raising a family
  • How they dealt with a family medical emergency...and kept up with their debt freedom plan
  • Developing skills that allow you to get multiple jobs
  • What to do about personal finance when your life doesn\\u2019t fit the textbook
  • Why families of color need to share their debt freedom stories and have access to the right resources
  • Balancing short-term and long-term needs in your budget as a couple
  • The High 5 Banking Method



