How Teri Ijeoma Used Trading Stocks To Pay Off All Her Debt!

Published: Oct. 6, 2021, 8 a.m.


Stocks are everywhere. All these major companies that you see every single day have stocks, and what you might not realize at first is that those stocks are opportunities for YOU! And yes, we\'re talking about trading on the stock market.\\xa0


You might think it takes several years and maybe even several degrees to be proficient in the stock market, and there\'s definitely work to be put in --but the reality is, with the right education, the right mindset, and maybe a little grit, you can take stock trading to the next level, and your journey might just start today!


For this episode of the His & Her Money Show, we\'ve brought in our go-to voice on the subject, Teri Ijeoma! Teri is a former elementary school assistant principal turned globe-trotting, stock trading guru.\\xa0


With 11 years of stock trading experience, she turned her hobby into a multi-million-dollar career, and today she travels the world while working her dream job on her own schedule on her own terms! So, how did it happen? And most importantly, how can it happen for you too? Well, you\'re about to find out!




  • Long-term vs. short-term investing.
  • Getting past investment fears and building your confidence.
  • A quick look at investment charts.
  • Teri explains brokers, and why you need them!
  • How and when Teri first started out in the stock market.
  • The basics of swing trading, passive investing vs. active investing, and more.






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