How Bryant & Emily Adler Paid Off $92,000 Of Debt In Just 2.5 Years

Published: May 24, 2015, 1:58 p.m.


Do you think that the one thing that is holding you back from becoming debt-free, is that you don\'t earn a high income? Well, let today be the last time that you think that thought. We\'re going to prove to you that absolutely anybody, with any income, can buckle down and make debt freedom a reality for themselves and their family.

Today on The His & Her Money Show, we feature an interview with Bryant and Emily Adler from The Adler Debt Project. They share their story of destroying over $92,000 worth of debt in just 2.5 years! And the best part is that they were able to accomplish this on two teacher salaries. Their story is chalked full of determination and focus, which led them to achieve their financial goal of becoming debt-free.
