Get Good With Money with Tiffany Aliche

Published: Sept. 15, 2021, 8 a.m.


Money is everywhere -- everywhere! And unfortunately, there are so many people out there who just don\'t have the tools and financial education to manage their money effectively.

Knowing this, there\'s nothing we love more at His & Her Money than helping our listeners grow their financial education, and of course, handing the mic to the guests that we know can keep the ball rolling!

For this episode of the His & Her Money Show, we have THE Budgetnista herself throwing out all kinds of facts today. Tiffany Aliche is joining us for a crash course on finances, and this is a woman who knows her stuff!\\xa0

From kindergarten teacher to New York Times bestselling author, Tiffany has forged her way through the personal finance space and is a superstar of budgeting and beyond, and she wants everybody to be motivated and equipped to live their best financial lives!


What You Will Learn

  • How Tiffany went from a kindergarten teacher to a personal finance guru.
  • The importance of community and not being afraid to ask for help.
  • Unpacking "financial wholeness".
  • Getting into the mindset to get your finances right.
  • Why it\'s important to eliminate debt.
  • Tiffany\'s tips to building the budget and savings plan that best fits you and your lifestyle.


Resources Mentioned

