Protein Per Meal, Blood Sugar Regulation, Vasectomy Follow-Up | THRR127

Published: Oct. 21, 2022, 4 a.m.


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Podcast Questions:

1. Protein amounts per meal [21:06]
Kevin says:
Hi Nicki and Robb,

A few episodes ago, Robb discussed how getting 30g of protein in a meal was important because it makes a process in our body\\u2019s start. Maybe you could explain that a little further and my bigger question is at what point is it too much protein at one sitting? Is there an approximate number of grams where you won\\u2019t get the benefit of the protein or is it more important to hit the overall protein goal for the day? Also, would splitting a 70g meal into two 35g meals be more beneficial and if so, what is the necessary wait time between those meals?

Thanks for all you do!

Currently having the best reset yet!

2. Blood Sugar Regulation [28:33]
Aquila says
Hi Robb,

I\'m a fan of yours and have listened to a number of podcasts with you as a guest. Great work and thanks for fighting the good fight!

I am very fortunate to have good health and eat an animal based diet accompanied by fruits and vegatables from our garden and local farmers. I was raised by hippie parents who fed me high quality unprocessed foods and my digestions tends to work well. My partner however has some big problems with her glucose levels and doesn\'t know what to do.

She was raised on a sadly "standard" american diet consisting of lots of grains, processed snack foods, sugar and generic grocery store produce and meats. Her mother has type 1 diabetes and is quite frankly in bad shape.

My partner, Lindsay, was "diagnosed" with Type 2 Diabetes when she was 18 and prescribed metformin which gave her bad stomache pain and other side effects. The doctor never mentioned anything about changing her diet (it was bad at the time) which made Lindsay think something wasn\'t right. She is now 34 and in the last decade has come a long ways with her health. She is now physically active on a regular basis, quite fit, and eats what most would consider a very healthy diet. She avoids grains almost entirely and eats primarily meat, fruit and vegatables. Our son is two and she is still breastfeeding. Basically anytime Lindsay eats even a small amount of carbs like potato, fresh corn, strawberries, her blood sugar spikes and she feels the physical effects. It seems as though her glucose levels were staying at healthier levels a few years ago but now are zig-zaging pretty hard. She doesn\'t know what to do to increase her insulin sensitivity or have more regulated blood sugar levels. It feels really unsustainable for her and is concerned about the long term effects.

I know you\'re not a doctor and very busy but if you had any insight that could point us in the right direction it would be very appreciated.

Thanks again,

3. Vasectomy Follow Up [35:20]
Ryan says:
Hi Robb and Nicki,

This is a follow up question from way back in Episode 63. I tried to find the JAMA study (or studies) that you referenced about vasectomy causing a decrease in testosterone and couldn\'t find much.

There was one meta analysis from 2017 about prostate cancer, but it stated "Although 1 study found that serum testosterone levels are elevated in men who underwent a vasectomy more than 20 years ago relative to men who did not undergo a vasectomy, most studies have shown no changes in testosterone levels following vasectomy." (Authors: Bimal Bhindi, MDCM, MSc, FRCSC1; Christopher J. D. Wallis, MD, PhD2; Madhur Nayan, MDCM, PhD3; et al)

Any other information or updates on this topic? My wife and I are done with kids and a vasectomy is tempting in some ways, but I\'d hate to mess up my endogenous testosterone production.


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