Nitrite Sensitivity, Trouble After Hormones, Keto Breastfeeding | THRR136

Published: Dec. 30, 2022, 5 a.m.


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Podcast Questions:

1. Sodium Nitrite [18:20]

Dana says:

Good morning! I just listened to your episode from 12/23. I have had a long-standing, perplexing question about sodium nitrite/nitrate, and it relates to the recent episode. Since I was 14, I\\u2019ve had a sensitivity to processed meats that contain sodium nitrite/nitrate (ham, lunch meat, salami, hot dogs, etc). It creates a vascular migraine headache with a aura of visual disturbances and sometimes hemiparesis. I can stop the progression with aspirin, so I\\u2019m confident it\\u2019s vascular. The perplexing part, is that it never happens if I eat vegetable high in nitrite/ nitrates, or meats that are cured with celery powder that is high in nitrite/nitrates. Any thoughts on how these are different?


2. High fasted blood glucose/high cholesterol [20:56]

Jackie says:

Hey there! Long term listener, first time e-mail-er. I\\u2019ve been low carb for the better part of the last 5 years and had some success in maintaining a 40lb weightloss with those eating habits. However, after 2 surrogate pregnancies accompanied with IVF and exogenous hormones over the last 3 years, I\\u2019m struggling to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Looking for answers I had some labs done, expecting a thyroid issue, to find high fasted glucose levels (99-101) and elevated bilirubin. I\\u2019m fine after eating, my glucose sits at about 74-84 2 hours after eating pretty consistently. I\\u2019m just not sure why all of a sudden I\\u2019m showing poor insulin management in the mornings on an empty stomach? My BMI is 34- which I know isn\\u2019t ideal and I\\u2019m working on it- but after hormones the weight doesn\\u2019t seem to want to come off. I\\u2019m 30 years old. My doctor said \\u201cmake some lifestyle changes and we\\u2019ll keep an eye on it.\\u201d So much help there! Wondering if that might be attributable to my dis-regulated blood glucose levels. Would appreciate your insight on the matter! Any thoughts as to what I can try to get my blood sugar back to normal before it spirals out of control? I\\u2019m debating on a CGM but not sure if it would be of help? Also, my cholesterol came back high at 212. LDL/HDL ratio of 3. Triglycerides are 66. In the low carb world what does this mean, as in the standard medicine world it\\u2019s not great- not sure if it\\u2019s the same. Thank you for your time and all the knowledge you bring to optimizing health! You\\u2019re truly changing the world.


3. Keto Breastfeeding [26:55]

Juliana says:

Hi Robb and Nikki,

I\\u2019ve been listening to your show for about a year now and I love the breadth of topics you cover. I know sometimes you joke that people my age are not interested in what you have to say, but I want to let you know we are very interested. I share your podcast all the time and people my age love it.

With my second baby I was diagnosed with GDM and was on my way toward type 2 diabetes post partum. My blood sugar levels were out of control and I kept adding on weight. I found keto and completely changed my life. I lost 40 pounds before getting pregnant with our 3rd baby. With our 3rd baby I was very strict and ate less than 50 carbs/day and had an extremely healthy pregnancy with no GDM this time. I am now 10 weeks post partum of my 3rd baby. After having the 3rd baby I gave myself a ton of freedom (ie any/all carbs). It was a celebration of all my hard work for 2 years. Now at 10 weeks post partum I tried to go back to my very low carb way of eating and within 48 hours I got soo soo soo sick, it very much felt like keto flu. I would like to note that I had an LMNT each day and salt my food generously with redmonds. I got scared because breastfeeding is the most important thing for me. I went back to having carbs to undo the sickness, but I would prefer a low carb way of eating if I could get there. I take magnesium and dessicated liver and vitamin D and LMNT. I also did not restrict calories, I am very familiar with the keto diet and I made sure I had plenty of fat and calories.

I\\u2019m curious as to what ketosis does to our overall hydration levels and possibly breast milk supply? I know you recommend LMNT for breastfeeding moms, so I was hoping you might have some insight on low carb diets and breastfeeding. I\\u2019m willing to suffer through the keto flu but I\\u2019m terrified of it hurting my milk supply. I also read that breastfeeding lowers glucose levels and am curious if that may have had an interaction and intensified the keto flu. I forgot to take my morning fasting numbers.

I\\u2019m a 33 year old female and my weight is totally irrelevant because I just had a baby

Thank you for any insight you might have!

Thank you,



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