Fat and Carbs Together, Too Much Salt, Fermented Cabbage | THRR075

Published: May 7, 2021, 4 a.m.


Fat and Carbs Together, Too Much Salt, Figuring Out Macros, Cabbage in Different Forms, How Did You Decide Where To Live

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Show Notes:

News topic du jour:


1. Fat & Carbs together... [22:32]

Shannon says:

Hi Guys!

My question is in regards to fats & carbs together.

So what\'s the scoop with this?

I\'ve heard many times that you should not eat fat & carbs together because it leads to instant fat storage and other health problems... is this true, and why?

But I\'ve also heard that if you have some fat with carbs, it slows the impact of the carbs and gives less of an insulin spike so it might be helpful to do it that way?

I know that for sure we should not be eating the carb/fat combo of chips, ice cream, pasta with alfredo, grilled cheese sandwich, etc.... but what about butter on a sweet potato? Or butter on air popped organic popcorn? Or nut butter on some apple? Or avocado on sprouted toast? ... you get the idea.

This has always had me wondering, so I\'m excited to hear your thoughts on this.

Thank you so much!

2. TOO MUCH SALT [26:41]

David says:

HI Robb,

Is it possible to get too much salt. I salt pretty much all my food to taste. I make my own bone broth and find that is real tasty with about 1/4 TSP salt.

I took you up on your starter pack of LMNT. Very tasty .. actually reminds me of the original Gatorade.

I can\'t say I\'m particularly concerned, but just wondering is it possible to get too much salt and what would be the signs?


You may be too young but when Gatorade first went commercial and before it was bought by Pepsi (early 70s) it was sweet but very salty in taste, kind of like you had but lime juice and sugar into salt water. It was actually pretty good - especially after a workout but it clearly would probably be spit out by today\'s kids who are drinking it more as soda.

3. Figuring Out Macros [30:27]

Lauren says:

I would love to know your perspective about figuring out macros. Is there

a science behind macro percentages? Best for fat loss, exercise

performance, on how you feel? Etc. Do they even matter?

It\'s time for The Healthy Rebelion Radio Trivia! \\xa0[34:31]

Healthy Rebellion Radio sponsor DrinkLMNT \\xa0is giving a box of LMNT Recharge electrolytes to 3 lucky winners, selected at random, who answer the following question correctly...

thank you the people who heard my SOS from the last episode...and sent in questions for trivia...this is one of them...

Robb, How many miles do we live from the Canadian border?

Did you all hear that?

To play, go to robbwolf.com/trivia and enter your answer. We\\u2019ll randomly select three people with the correct answer to win a box of electrolytes from drink LMNT.

The cutoff to answer this week\'s trivia and be eligible to win is Thursday May 13th at midnight. Winners will be notified via email and we\\u2019ll announce the winners on Instagram as well. This is open to residents of the US only.

4. Cabbage in Different Forms [37:53]

Kimberly says:

Hi Robb and Nikki,

HUGE fan and just adore what you both do, your show, and your awesome relationship. I was laughing out loud the other week when you were telling the story about the girls spelling "horse." The information and honesty that your show brings is incredible.

But enough about you...

I have a question on cabbage. I did carnivore for a month as an elimination diet for my husband, but in doing so discovered the cabbage family makes my tummy very unhappy (taking sharp stomach pains after I eat them). This made me sad, because I love cabbage in all forms, but I especially love making homemade sauerkraut. I did an experiment to see how I handled fermented cabbage, versus cooked (as I had read that sometimes you can handle that better), and it I didn\'t get the stomach pains I got before.

I am curious, what is the science end of things why is fermented sometimes tolerated better? OR could it just be that I ate a smaller amount? OR the good ol\' placebo affect?

Thanks again for all that you do. Please keep doing what you\'re doing - you are the BEST.

5. How did you decide on where to live? [41:13]

Joe says:

Hi Robb and Nicki,

I\'ve heard you provide resources on how to "strategically relocate" but would you mind sharing how you decided on moving to Montana? \\xa0Was it for tax optimization, homesteading, or being closer to family? \\xa0I\'m a part of the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement and often think of where I would move my family of 3 young children if I were to live on a modest level of passive income (around 60,000 USD a year) and the above three criteria seem to be the biggest factors for us. \\xa0Thanks for your thoughts.

Joe from Geneva, Switzerland

P.S. Did you check out the new parenting book "Hunt, Gather, Parent" that studied indigenous ways of child rearing in contrast to the WEIRD (Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic) societies and their relatively modern (read: untested in time) parenting practices?


The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by our electrolyte company, LMNT.
Proper hydration is more than just drinking water. You need electrolytes too! Check out The Healthy Rebellion Radio sponsor LMNT for grab-and-go electrolyte packets to keep you at your peak! They give you all the electrolytes want, none of the stuff you don\\u2019t. Click here to get your LMNT electrolytes
