DNA Testing For Ideal Diet/Exercise, Nitrates/Nitrites, Normal Blood Pressure | THRR083

Published: Aug. 6, 2021, 4 a.m.


DNA Testing For Ideal Diet/Exercise, Body Composition Scales, Nitrates/Nitrites, Calcium Intake, What is "Normal" Blood Pressure?

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After being dismissed by doctors, mom of child with Down syndrome makes a discovery

1. DNA Testing For Ideal Diet/Exercise [12:01]

Trevor says:

Dear Robb and Nicki,

I really enjoy your podcast. I\'ve gone from only listening when the topic looked interesting to listening to every episode because there\'s always something good or interesting. I appreciate your alls\' free thinking mindset and news topics. I\'ve also bought a big ol\' box of LMNT and really like the Watermelon flavor.

My question is about DNA testing. Do you think there\'s any value to having this done to determine ideal diet, exercise, and overall lifestyle cues? Or is trial and error a better route? If you think testing is valuable, is there a company you can recommend?



2. Body Composition Scales [20:21]

Danny says:

Are any of the scales on the market that claim to measure your body composition worth looking into or are they all pretty much bullshit

3. Nitrates/Nitrites [24:44]

Mackenzie says:

I\'ve been thinking about my Nitrate/Nitrite consumption lately. The ideas around Nitrate/Nitrite seems to be a bit confusing because it\'s present in natural foods but also added to processed foods. I eat a fair bit of Kimchi, some deli meat, condiments like Sriracha - in addition to loving things like beets, spinach, celery..etc. I don\'t appear to have any adverse reactions to Nitrate/Nitrite consumption, so with that said, would it be better for my overall health to cut out those more processed foods?


4. Calcium Intake [29:04]

Megan says:

Hi Robb and Nicki, I love your show! I had a question regarding getting adequate calcium when not eating dairy. I eat a whole food diet, no processed foods (no gluten, dairy, soy, or corn). I eat lots of grass fed beef, organic chicken thighs, wild shrimp, and wild scallops. I do not eat sardines or fish bones though. Is it possible to get enough calcium when not consuming dairy products or fish bones? Thanks for your time! Megan

5. What is "Normal" Blood Pressure? [33:02]

Amy says:

Hey Guys!

So I went to donate blood today and was refused because my blood pressure was too low. Eek! I usually run about 90-something over 60-something, which I realize is already pretty low. Today, I was 88/55, as measured by a machine and not manually by the lab tech. (Don\'t know if that makes it more or less accurate.) So it was what we might call "freakishly low," but the thing is, I FELT FINE. Physical energy was good, mental outlook was all right -- no issues. Nothing about how I felt all day would suggest that my BP was "too low." (I went to donate around 12pm.)

So my question is, for a mostly low-carbing, very fit 35-year-old woman, what is a "normal" blood pressure, and more important, is BP another parameter we should add to blood glucose, HbA1C, triglycerides, and other markers whose "normal" ranges are based on the sedentary, sick, and inflamed masses and therefore reflect what\'s *common* more than what\'s normal/optimal?

(I\'m reminded of how Robb\'s wife\'s ob/gyn was surprised at what a relatively "easy" pregnancy she had. Well, yeah, compared to all the walking, talking chronic disease bags he/she normally sees, Nikki\'s health was off the charts. *Of course* she had a better time of it.)

I do realize that when it comes to BP, there *is* such a thing as too low, but I\'m wondering what that is, as long as someone feels no adverse effects. (Kind of like glucose...I\'ve tested and seen myself in the mid-to-high 60s and felt FINE. Yay, fat adaptation.)

Hunter-gatherers as models in public health


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