Covid Policies, Creatine and Kidney Function, Immunity and Caloric Intake | THRR097

Published: Jan. 7, 2022, 5 a.m.


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News topic du jour:


Dishonesty about masking kids results in insanity

To justify masking kids, proponents relied on bio-plausibility, and cited filtration studies, often performed on mannequins. Of course, the physical properties of a mask on a dummy are not the same as asking a child to wear it for prolonged periods of time. If a cloth mask captures 70% of particles or 80%; you still have no idea whether asking a child to wear that fabric mask (and accepting that use will be imperfect) has a net health benefit to that child or others around them.

Universities\' Covid Policies Defy Science and Reason

Parents and students should challenge dogma with data.

Dr. Marty Makary is a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

At these institutions of higher learning and thousands more, science is supposedly held in the highest esteem. So where is the scientific support for masking outdoors? Where is the scientific support for constantly testing fully vaccinated young people? Where is the support for the confinement of asymptomatic, young people who test positive for a virus to which they are already immune on a campus of other immune people?

The data simply do not justify any of it.

For the past two years, this country has imposed extensive, and often unnecessary, restrictions on over 54 million school-age children, even though they are the least likely group to suffer serious consequences of a Covid infection. Instead, we have damaged their education, kept them from seeing human faces, and treated them as vectors without a right to a normal childhood.

College students are not the only young people we have harmed. A recent Brown University study found that \\u201cchildren born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic.\\u201d The researchers pointed out that families of lower socioeconomic status were most affected. At the same time, adults have been allowed to socialize barefaced at bars, while children outdoors on playgrounds are still masked. This is nothing short of an abuse of power by adults over a defenseless group.

Podcast Questions:


1. Creatine and Kidney Function [23:04]

Josh says:

Hi Robb and Nikki! Thanks for all you do. The information is so helpful and you are both entertaining to listen to. What is your take on crearine supplements and kidney function? Can creatine supplementation decrease kidney function by increasing creatinine levels or is this just a false indicator as some studies have suggested?

2. Immunity and caloric intake [24:52]

Daniel says:

Hi team! I have been following your work for years and have been a member of the Healthy Rebellion on and off.

Recently I have been eating more calories purposely to put on more weight during a strength phase. However, I have noticed that when I am eating more I am feeling more rundown/get sick more often ie sore throat, etc. When I am not eating as much I typically eat in a smaller feeding window and adhere more towards a higher fat/lower carb lifestyle.

When you Google \\u2018immunity and caloric intake\\u2019 it literally seems like each clickbait link opposes the other - one says eating less weakens the immune system, the next says the opposite.

Do you have any opinion or thoughts on this topic? Are the increased calories causing the body to \\u2018process more\\u2019 and therefore create extra work? Or is there no correlation at all and this is just in my head?

For context I am 5\\u201910 74 kg eating ~2800 cals/day to add weight with ~160g protein/day. 38 years old.

Thanks !



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