Episode 312: Co-Parenting with Abuser & Therapeutic Alliance

Published: July 29, 2022, 5 p.m.


Hello, everyone! I hope you\'ve had a great week. Back at you with an awesome Q&A featuring the following questions:

  • My ex-wife was emotionally abusive and controlling to me. We share children and she is constantly belittling me when we interact. What can I do?
  • My psychologist does not seem to be trying very hard in sessions. How can I fix things?

As always, you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and find the show notes for this episode at http://duffthepsych.com/episode312


This episode of Hardcore Self Help is sponsored by BetterHelp.

If you are in a mental health slump, consider reaching out to a licensed professional to help.\\xa0BetterHelp\\xa0has a large counselor network and you can begin chatting with someone very quickly. Check out\\xa0betterhelp.com/duff\\xa0to get 10% off your first month.
