Episode 25: Telling My Therapist About past Self-Harm, Getting Too Close, and Self-Destruction Through Relationships

Published: Aug. 31, 2016, 4 a.m.


Super awesome and very brave questions today with some common themes between them. Thank you all so much for continuing to be active participants in this show. Not only are you doing something great for yourself by asking your questions, but you may be helping someone else with a similar concern. Here\'s what we cover in today\'s episode:

  • Will my therapist break confidentiality if I disclose information about past self-harm?
  • What should I do if my therapist feels TOO emotionally close to me?
  • Is my current relationship just another form of self-harm?\\xa0

As always you can reach me on twitter at http://twitter.com/duffthepsych or via email at duffthepsych@gmail.com\\xa0

