Ep 21. Adwoa talks to Ore Ogunbiyi about being the only black girl in the room at Cambridge.

Published: June 21, 2019, 8:11 a.m.


Reading Ore Ogunbiyi\\u2019s \\u2018A letter to my fresher self: Surviving Cambridge as a black girl\\u2019 hits such an emotional chord with me. Being a minority in a predominantly white institution creates some serious life skills. Which is why I invited Ore on to the podcast this week. We chat about discrimination in the classroom, overcoming imposter syndrome, and when you arrive back at uni with braids \\u2013 no, your hair isn\\u2019t something people can freely smell and touch! Really guys, WTF?!


We also talk about the new book Ore\\u2019s co-written with her right hand/wife/best friend, and fellow Cambridge graduate, Chelsea Kwakye (who couldn\\u2019t join us because she\\u2019s taking her law exams). Taking Up Space, published under Stormzy\\u2019s #Merky Books imprint, is the black girl\\u2019s manifesto for change, and explores the issues surrounding diversity and inclusion within higher education. The book offers a sisterhood for black girls going to university. Brutally honest, while reassuring, almost like an older sister telling you what fashion trends to avoid.


But this isn\\u2019t just a black girl\\u2019s issue, it\\u2019s a conversation we should all be aware of. A collective effort in which everyone has a role to play, because without awareness, nothing changes. Ore shares some life skills that students from all backgrounds can benefit from.


So, listen, enjoy, and as always, mad, mad love.


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You can read \\u2018A letter to my fresher self: Surviving Cambridge as a black girl\\u2019 here:



And buy a copy of Taking Up Space here:

