704: The Critical Reason Why You Need to Experiment More In Your Biz

Published: Sept. 13, 2023, 8:30 a.m.

b'If I hear one more business owner throw in the towel after they\\u2019ve made a mistake or one of their launches failed\\u2026 *facepalm!*\\nTrust me, we\\u2019ve all been there \\u2013 we get excited about doing something new and then that something doesn\\u2019t pan out exactly how we thought it would and we\\u2019re ready to quit.\\xa0\\nBuuuuuut *steps on soap box*... it is SO important to experiment more in our businesses and commit to consistency!\\nThat\\u2019s why in today\\u2019s episode of Goal Digger, I\\u2019m sharing some of the experiments I\\u2019ve done in my own business \\u2013 ones that worked, ones that didn\\u2019t pan out, and talk about the power of experimentation in entrepreneurship.\\nGOAL DIGGER FB COMMUNITY:\\xa0https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldiggerpodcast/\\nGOAL DIGGER INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/goaldiggerpodcast/\\nGOAL DIGGER SHOW NOTES: https://www.jennakutcherblog.com/experiment\\xa0\\nCOAT AND PROTECT YOUR THROAT: https://www.amazon.com/ricola'