253: If I Had $5,000 to Launch My Biz Here's What I'd Do

Published: May 1, 2019, 8:30 a.m.

b'A few weeks ago, I was standing on a balcony in Puerto Rico\\u2026 The sun was setting, I was staring down at the beach, holding a glass of champagne and I had a moment. One of those moments when time freezes and you see this sort of highlight reel of a part of your life. For me, it was this flashback to when I started this whole thing and here I was in this reality that was a total *pinch me* moment.\\nI came back to earth when a photographer walked up to me and I asked him what lens he was shooting on. Our conversation took off and he asked me ONE question that inspired this whole episode. He said, \\u201cIf you had $5,000 and had to start all over again, where would you spend it and what would you do?\\u201d Wow.\\nMy free strategies to get started, places to save a little cash while growing, and the most important investments\\u2026 I\\u2019m sharing what I\\u2019d do with a blank slate, $5K and the knowledge I have now. Listen in right now.\\nGOAL DIGGER FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldiggerpodcast/\\nGOAL DIGGER INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/goaldiggerpodcast/\\nGOAL DIGGER SHOWNOTES:\\xa0https://jennakutcherblog.com/launchabiz/'