212: What You'd Never Guess About Sam Ponder

Published: Dec. 10, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

b'How was your football Sunday? I love it for the couch time, the nachos, and most of all, for watching today\\u2019s guest lead the show on Sunday NFL Countdown. I literally only watch her\\u2026 not the games.\\nSamantha Ponder is the host of Sunday NFL Countdown, and before landing a spot at the coundtown desk, she did a lot of hard work (and made some crazy gambles) to get there. Sam Ponder has truly carved a name for herself in the male-dominated sports industry.\\nHow did she do it? This episode will teach you how to make a name for yourself in WHATEVER industry you are in. Sam is sharing her tips to network, be bold, and create the path of your dreams.\\nGOAL DIGGER FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldiggerpodcast/\\nGOAL DIGGER INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/goaldiggerpodcast/\\nGOAL DIGGER SHOWNOTES: https://jennakutcherblog.com/sam/'